The Seven Tactical Mission / Vision

Seven Tactical offers practical, reality-based firearms training that is focused on improving pistol shooting speed, accuracy and tactics for individual gun owners and concealed carriers as well as licensed security officers and security teams.  We specialize in both traditional live fire range training and Simunitions non-lethal ordinance force on force training exercises that allow the shooter to test their skills safely in a high stress environment. 

What We Do

Seven Tactical classes are designed to combine fundamentals of successful shooting mechanics with recognition of developing threats, communication protocols, and proper force continuum decision making.  Courses are available for individuals as well as armed private security teams.  We value safety and student development above all else and strive to create a welcoming ego-free environment for learning.  We would be honored to be a part of your personal safety training plan

What Our Clients Say

“I highly recommend this class to others looking to improve their defensive shooting skills. The Instructor’s classroom knowledge, presentation and subject matter were spot on. The range exercises were great with an emphasis on accuracy and safety.”
Mark K.

“Excellent instructors brought home the fundamentals and challenged me in several situations. This was a great course to take my pistol skills to the next level.”
Tom D.

“This course is an excellent opportunity for those LTC persons whose training opportunities have been limited to target practice at the local gun range. The student will learn safety, develop good gun handling habits, improve accuracy and develop situational awareness through action scenarios. The course concludes with recommendations for self training at home and at the range.”
David M.


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Twitter: @seven_tactical
Instagram: @seven.tactical